Living freely talks about, life,love,sports, joy, happiness, blogging tips and tricks. At the very best.


Monday, 17 October 2016


love don't care 
who you are, were you are from, 
what you have or how you get it,
how you look or how you dress

Friday, 14 October 2016


Image result for ways to have a good day at work

Work doesn’t have to suck. Be happy and productive in the office.
“Give me 6 hours to chop a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

1. Get Your Stuff Ready the Night Before.

It takes longer to get ready in the morning (i.e., when you’re still half-asleepthan it does to prepare the night before (i.e., when you might be sleepy but haven’t yet reached Zombie mode).
Does it take you a bit to decide what to wear? If so, get the next day’s outfit ready as part of your bedtime ritual.
Going to the gym before you go to work? Go ahead and pack your gym bag before you go to bed (you could even lay your gym shoes and socks next to your bed if you want to make your life super easy).
Want to make positive eating decisions at lunch? Pack a lunch including fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats for lasting energy that will carry you through your day. If you’d like to include some healthy foods that make you smarter, click here to optimize your brain power.

2. Wake up 15-30 Minutes Early.

If you followed the first step, you should find yourself with an extra 15-30 minutes every morning, but let’s go ahead and double that. How you start the morning can make or break your day, so let’s give yourself plenty of time for a positive start.

3. Start Your Day With Sunshine and Deep Breathing.

Feeling groggy? That won’t last long. No matter how cold it might be, march yourself outside to soak in some sunshine. The sun’s rays will boost your mood, increase your alertness, strengthen your immunity from sickness, and help you sleep better at night. While you’re out there, take 10 deep breaths in and out to start your day calm and cool.

4. Seek Positive Input.

Inspiration is a wonderful (but fleeting) thing. Because you can’t expect to become inspired and stay that way indefinitely, take about 10 or 15 minutes to read a book, watch a video, or listen to a podcast that moves you. It will be a lot easier to have a good day if you fill your head with positive thoughts before you go to work.

5. Get Psyched During Your Commute.

Don’t be one of the many people who throws away the valuable asset of the drive (or ride) to work. If you listen to the news (dreadful thing where they never have anything positive to say), expect to find yourself in a bad mood that you can’t shake. Instead, listen to music that makes you happy and excited (if it makes you belt out a tune or shake your butt, this is a good sign). Don’t depend on the radio, unless you like listening to the same thing over and over and over again. Make your own ‘Get Psyched’ play-list, save it to your iPod or burn it to a disc, and update it every month or two to keep things interesting.

Have a Good Day at Work: Execution

“We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas Edison

6. Put Yourself in Your Customer’s Shoes.

I know, I know: your job would be great if it wasn’t for the %&@^ing customers.
While some customer behavior is nothing short of annoying (as evidenced above), be understanding to all customers. Think about yourexpectations if you’re eating out, shopping, or calling a customer service hotline for help. Now point that mirror at yourself; are you meeting your customers’ expectations? If not, it’s time to shape up. Just because you’re tired or grumpy doesn’t mean a loyal, paying customer should receive subpar service.

7. Do the Important Thing First.

Choose from the below options and do one of these tasks first thing:
  • The task with the most urgent deadline (if its importance trumps all else, act accordingly)
  • The task that is the largest source of stress (if you’re going to be dreading it all day so get it over with)
  • The task that will take the most time and energy (because then the rest will seem easy in comparison)
Avoid the temptation to check your email any more than every few hours. If they really need you, they will call. Starting and stopping a task adds up in a lot of wasted time and an overwhelmed feeling, so get the important things done without distraction.

8. Remind Yourself of Your “Why.”

No matter how much preparation you do, there’s no escaping the fact that all work can be super stressful sometimes. If you find yourself so stressed you want to pull your hair out and run out the door screaming:
  • Get away (preferably outside but anywhere you can be alone in a quiet place works)
  • Close your eyes
  • Massage your forehead (because I bet it’s super tense)
  • 5 deep inhales and exhales
After all of that’s done, remind yourself why you go to work. How does your job fit into the Big Picture of your life? Whether you’re working to support your family, help your customers, get experience, or whatever; remind yourself why you’re there and realize that the stress of this day is a temporary setback that you’ll forget about before you know it.

9. Focus on the Positive.

If you spend your workday spreading gossip and thinking negative thoughts, it’s no wonder you feel stressed out and unhappy. I know it’s awfully easy for negativity to sneak in, so give yourself this goal: for every negative thought/feeling/saying, there should be 3 positive thoughts/feelings/sayings.

10. Smile.

It’ll make you feel better (even if you fake it!). Speaking of smiles. I still don't understand why people find it hard to just smile, smile doesn't kill, it makes you look more beautiful  click to see the benefits of laughter

Monday, 10 October 2016


I would love to say things like 
Hey get out, fuck off, i love you with my heart, i rreally hate you.
wow. But i couldnt because am scared, 
scared of what they will say,
scared of things the others will say of me.
 so i keep quiet, but in the honest word am suppose
 to make myself feel great and not good.
 so i go back and say all these things without thinking what they would say or think of me.
because now, i am fulfilled with myself and i like it.
so, have u been hiding something from someone, get out there and tell them


Believe me Mondays ain't a day for many people, including me
but, hey i still gat to do what i do, cos that's what makes me, me.
i know Tuesday will surely be more better than today but first i agt to finish today. 
so that i can set tomorrow in motion. so if you are not enjoying Monday now,
 just try your best to make it look good cos there is still tomorrow.
How is the Monday going, PALS

Saturday, 8 October 2016


Our heart is a hub to the world
everything you think or do comes
 from your heart. 
everything you see or touch or feel goes to the heart.
you can choose to love, hate, care or dont care
it all goes to the heart
so please use your heart well.

Friday, 7 October 2016


Not everyone will appreciate what you
do for them. You have to figure out who's
 worth your kindness and who's just taking advantage of you"

Thursday, 6 October 2016


I don’t think people understand how stressful
 it is to explain what’s going on in your head when
 you don’t even understand it yourself.
True, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't 
explain what you feel to someone, and try and get it off you heart.
i know we are all humans and what comes out of our 
mouth atimes is some what scary and annoying
 but that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to someone.
so please get the stress off your heart.


If I you die today would you be satisfied 
with the last conversation you had...?
so make sure your conversations are 
always goo,because people will always
 remember you for the conversation you have with them.
 let that sink in


GO out telling someone you love them,
tell them something you have never told them before,
and see there reaction towards you.
everybody needs love, everybody needs care
so please show someone today.


Let it go
All your rage, anger, sorrow, sadness, unhappiness.
Let them go. because it only cos damage to
your heart and believe me even if its not known to you it is hurting you.
so please let it go. and everything will be alright


Have made up my mind to stop caring
to stop listening to what others have to say about me.
Because honestly if i do, i might go wrong.
so in other for me not to go wrong,
i stop caring for all the bullshit life as got to offer.
But then i reasoned again, if i stop caring it basically
 means i don't want to be happy anymore.
so i changed my mind and start caring again,
cos if i don't care it simply means i won't be happy.
so if you have stopped caring please
I beg you START now and you will see that you will be happier than you are now.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Judy Hopps: I thought this city would be a perfect place where everyone got along and anyone could be anything. Turns out, life's a little bit more complicated than a slogan on a bumper sticker. Real life is messy. We all have limitations. We all make mistakes. Which means, hey, glass half full, we all have a lot in common. And the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you.
and thats how life is.


 Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.
Judy Hopps

Do you believe that! yes change starts with you


Everyone comes to life, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't. You can only be what you are.
you can be what you want to be, who you want to be, how you want to be it, where you want to do it, cos these id life and believe me you can become anything you so wish to do


when life asks you a question just answer like these
LIFE: do you know am hard to live in
YOU: do i know you are hard to live in? yes i know
LIFE: but i can make it simple for you
YOU: do i know you can make it simple for me? yes i know
LIFE: but its not going to be easy
YOU: OK... cut me the crap, if i choose to make me happy and make you(LIFE) easy for me is just by my choice.
And that's how you answer life.


Life isn't some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and all your insipid dreams magically come true. So let it go.
Chief Bogo
but i tell you that life is a cartoon musical only if you choose to make it so, by taking everything easy, calm and happy

Tuesday, 4 October 2016


 Move on ans let the world notice you
move up and let others, feel tour impact
move down and let others enjoy what you have enjoyed
move aside and let others pass
move please and create a change,.


Whats stress:
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action.

You often see articles on ways to unwind and relax after a stressful day, which I always find useful, but for me the most important advice would be to get to the source of the problem, and cut stress out before it even happens.
By careful editing of your life, and changing certain habits, you can eliminate most (not all) sources of stress in your life.
I don’t believe that a stress-free life is possible. Stress is a response to challenges in life, and a life without challenges is too boring to contemplate. However, I do believe that most of the stress in our lives is unnecessary, and that it can be eliminated by taking some simple (and some not-so-simple) steps. It can’t be accomplished overnight — I’ve been eliminating stressors in my life for awhile now, and I’m still not done. But I think it’s a worthwhile goal.
Let’s first take a look at an example — it’s a little extreme, but it exemplifies the typical stressors in people’s lives. Let’s say Fred gets up in the morning, waking up late, and now has to rush to get ready. He’s so rushed that he spills his coffee on his shirt and has to change, a nicks himself shaving. He heads out the door and then has to go back in the house because he forgot his wallet. He gets in the car and realizes he forgot his keys.
Now he’s on the way in to work and is in the middle of rush-hour traffic — and his temper starts to flare after someone cuts him off. He’s honking at people, cursing, and arrives to work late and in a bad mood. He snaps at someone and is surly all morning. His desk is covered in piles of paper, and he can’t find that report he needs to work on. His inbox is overflowing and his email notification is going off, and he sees he has 36 messages to respond to. He knows he’s late on two projects and his boss isn’t happy. He’s got to finish 5 tasks before the 11 a.m. meeting, and he’s got meetings all afternoon.
You get the idea. His day does not go well, and he hits rush-hour traffic on the way home. He gets home late, exhausted, completely stressed, his mind still on his late and as-yet uncompleted projects, his still-full inbox and email inbox, and all the stuff piling up that he has to work on tomorrow. The house is a mess and he snaps at his family. His kids have not put things away exactly where he told them to put them away, so he begins to yell at them. He has a quick, greasy dinner in front of the TV and zones out before falling asleep late.
Again, this is a bit extreme, but you can see through this illustration some of the things that stress people out. There are many more, of course, and I won’t cover all of them here.
But these sources of stress can be eliminated with a little thought. Here’s how:
  1. Identify stressors. This is the most important step of all, as identifying the things that stress you out in your life is the first step towards eliminating them. Take 10 minutes to think about what stresses you out during the day. What weekly occurrences stress you out? What people, activities, things cause stress in your life? Make a Top 10 list, and see which of them can be eliminated, and start to weed them out. For those that can’t, find ways to make them less stressful.
  2. Eliminate unnecessary commitments. I did a post on editing your commitments before … apply those concepts here. We all have many commitments in our life, starting with work but also including commitments related to kids, our spouses, things to do at home, other family, civic, side work, religious, hobbies, online activities and more. Consider each of them, the amount of stress they provide, and the value you get out of them. Edit brutally, and take steps today to remove the ones that stress you out the most.
  3. Procrastination. We all do this, of course. But allowing stuff to pile up will stress us out. Find ways to take care of stuff now (form a Do It Now habit) and keep your inbox and desk clear. See 20 Procrastination Hacks for more ideas.
  4. Disorganization. We’re all disorganized to some extent. Even if we’ve organized something, and created a great system for keeping it that way, things tend to move towards chaos over time. But disorganization stresses us out, in terms of visual clutter, and in making it difficult to find stuff we need. Take time to get things in your life organized, starting with your desk and the papers in your home, and moving on to other areas.
  5. Late. Being late always stresses us out. We have to rush to get ready, rush to get there, and stress out the whole time about looking bad and being late. Learn the habit of being early, and this stress disappears. Make a conscious effort to start getting ready earlier, and to leave earlier. This also makes driving less stressful. Time yourself to see how long it actually takes to get ready, and how long it actually takes to get somewhere. You’ve probably been underestimating these times. Once you know these times, you can plan backwards so that you show up 10 minutes early each time. It’s a good feeling.
  6. Controlling. We are not the Master of this Universe. I know we sometimes wish we were, but acting as if we are is a sure way to get stressed out. Trying to control situations and people cannot work, and only serves to increase our anxiety when it doesn’t work. Learn to let go, and accept the way that other people do things, and accept what happens in different situations. The only thing you can control is yourself — work on that before you consider trying to control the world. Also learn to separate yourself from tasks and to delegate them. Learning to let go of our need to control others and the situations around us is a major step towards eliminating stress.
  7. Multitasking. Having multiple tasks going on at the same time might seem productive, but in actuality it slows us down from actually focusing on a task and completing it — and it stresses us out in the meantime. Learn to single-task.
  8. Eliminate energy drains. If you’ve analyzed your life (in Step 1) and found things that stress you out, you might have also noticed things that drain your energy. Certain things in our life just cause us to be more exhausted than others, with less value. Identify them, and cut them out. You’ll have much more energy and much less stress. Happiness ensues.
  9. Avoid difficult people. You know who they are. If you take a minute to think about it, you can identify all the people in your life — bosses, coworkers, customers, friends, family, etc. — who make your life more difficult. Now, you could confront them and do battle with them, but that will most certainly be difficult. Just cut them out of your life.
  10. Simplify life. Simplifying, of course, is a major theme of Zen Habits. Simplify your routines, your commitments, your information intake, your cluttered rooms, the mass of stuff going on in your life … and have less stress as a result. Start with Edit Your Life and then look through theother simplicity articles.
  11. Unschedule. Create more open periods of time in your life. It’s not necessary to schedule every minute of our lives. Learn to avoid meetings, keep wide open blocks of time where we either work on our important tasks or batch process the smaller ones. When someone asks to schedule a meeting, first try to get it done through email or phone … if that doesn’t work, avoid having it scheduled. Ask them to call you and see if you’re free at that time. You will love having an open schedule.
  12. Slow down. Instead of rushing through life, learn to take things slow. Enjoy your food, enjoy the people around you, enjoy nature. This step alone can save tons of stress.
  13. Help others. It may sound contradictory to add more tasks to your life by trying to help other people (you’ve got enough to do), but if you were to add anything to your life, this should be it. Helping others, whether volunteering for a charity organization or just making an effort to be compassionate towards people you meet, not only gives you a very good feeling, it somehow lowers your stress level. Of course, this doesn’t work if you try to control others, or help others in a very rushed and frenetic way — learn to take it easy, enjoy yourself, and let things happen, as you work to make the lives of others better.
  14. Relax throughout the day. It’s important to take mini-breaks during your work day. Stop what you’re doing, massage your shoulders and neck and head and hands and arms, get up and stretch, walk around, drink some water. Go outside and appreciate the fresh air and the beautiful sky. Talk to someone you like. Life doesn’t have to be all about productivity. You should also avoid using online activity too much as your de-stressing activity — get away from the computer to relax.
  15. Quit work. This one’s drastic, and probably too drastic for most. But in most likelihood, your work is your absolute biggest stressor. Getting out of your 9-to-5, automating your income, and finding something you truly love to do, that you’re passionate about, will create a positive life and much less stressful one at that. Give it a little thought before dismissing it — there might be possibilities here you haven’t considered.
  16. Simplify your to-do list. I’ve written about this before, but attempting to do everything on your long to-do list will definitely stress you out. Learn to simplify your to-do list down to the few essential tasks, and you will enjoy the process much more.
  17. Exercise. This is common advice for stress relief, and that’s because it works … but it’s also a stress prevention method. Exercising helps relieve the stress buildup, it gives you some quiet time to contemplate and relax, and just as importantly, it makes you more fit. A fitter person is better equipped to handle stress. Another important factor: being unhealthy can be a major stressor (especially once you have to go to the hospital), and exercise can help prevent that.
  18. Eat healthy. This goes hand-in-hand with exercise as a stress prevention method, of course. Become healthier and a major source of stress will disappear. Also, I’ve found that greasy food, for me, puts me in a worse mood and can contribute to stress levels immediately.
  19. Be grateful. This might not be as obvious as some of the others, but developing an attitude of gratitude (I sound like a preacher with that rhyme!) is a way of thinking positive, eliminating negative thinking from your life, and thereby reducing stress. Learn to be grateful for what you have, for the people in your life, and see it as a gift. With this sort of outlook on life, stress will go down and happiness will go up. That’s a winning formula.
  20. Zen-like environment. Take time to declutter your desk (as mentioned above) and even once you do that, continually edit your desk and working space, and the things in your home, until you’ve created asimple, peaceful, Zen-like environment. It will be much less stressful to work in an environment like that than a more cluttered and distracting one.

source zenhabits.


Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The interviewer inquires, "Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?" The engineer sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?" The interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it - See more at:

Treating others

Take a look at yourself
and make amends,
because if you want to know what a mans life is like take a good look at how he treats his inferiors,not his equals.
so i dare you today to treat everyone around you equal today.
be you a boss, a student, a worker.


I couldn't help it but speak up
Things are not suppose to be,
like people being wicked, 
like people being rude,
like people being jealous and envious.
you see, life do care about all these things
because it affects it much than we can think
so please don't do these things anymore.
what ever someone has done to you, please
speak up, speak up to the person and let 
them know what they have done to you.
so that you will be free.

living on love

i slept on love 
woke on love 
and now, am still living on love.
Good morning
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