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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

10 ways to make your girlfriend happy

Are you in a relationship and you want to make it work!  it's worth putting some thought into the steps you could take to make life smoother for you and your partner. Here are the top 10 things you can work on to make your girlfriend happy:

1. Listen to her
It's become a familiar cliche: Men don't listen, and there's not much that can be done about it. For 2016, why not give up the lazy stereotypes by practicing active listening. It's not particularly difficult: You ask her how she is or whether everything's OK, and then sit there with open ears while she answers you. Resist the impulse to try to immediately fix everything: Sometimes she just wants to be heard, and the simple act of listening and reassuring her that you care is enough.

2. Buy Her Thoughtful Gifts

If you trot out a variation on the same theme year after year, or worse, have resorted to getting your girlfriend gift certificates every birthday and Christmas, it might be time to pull your socks up in the gift department. In the weeks leading up to the event, pay attention to clues she may be giving you about things she’d love to receive, or try soliciting help from her friends, who might be able to offer a fresh perspective. Also, checking her Pinterest or Amazon Wishlist will almost certainly help you find a tailored and appreciated gift.

3. Make An Effort With Her Friends

The longer you've been with your girlfriend, the more important it is to make sure you're gelling with the other people in her life. You don't need to adopt her group of friends wholesale, but if you have petty grievances with any of her close friends, why not resolve to get over your differences. Doing so is bound to make life easier for your girlfriend, and it has the bonus effect of reducing the level of animosity in your life.

4. Show An Interest In Her Interests

If your girlfriend has a hobby or passion that you've always effectively ignored, boost her esteem by showing some interest in it. You don't necessarily have to take part yourself, but showing up to watch some of her soccer games or providing positive feedback about her blog will make her feel valued. Mutual respect is the glue of successful relationships, so if you've been acting as though her interests are trivial or incidental, it's time to start showing them some enthusiasm.

5. Take Your Grooming Up A Notch

Women show an overwhelming preference for men who are. Make sure that your facial hair is tidy (or completely absent) and that your nails are clipped and clean, and why not consider adopting a

6. Do Your Share Of The Housework

If you live with your girlfriend, it's important to make sure that you're doing your part to help keep your surroundings clean and liveable. Despite a general move towards gender egalitarianism within our society, research shows that women are still shouldering an unfair burden when it comes to housework. Some of the disparity can be put down to sexist ideas about who should be doing the housework, but there's also some research that suggests that&men are simply slower to notice when things need tidying, which means that they tend to have a higher mess threshold than women. This dynamic can leave your partner feeling taken for granted, so try to take a proactive approach to cleaning to counter it, or simply ask more often whether there's anything you could do to help around the house.

7. Make Good Use Of Your Time Together

Once you're in a relationship it's easy to fall into a comfortable Netflix-and-takeout routine. It's fine to spend the odd weekend chilling entirely at home, but if it's a constant fixture you should aim to make better use of your precious free time together. There are bound to be restaurants, parks, cafes, clubs, bookstores, boutiques and markets you haven't yet visited in and around your city, so make an effort to start exploring them together in 2016.

8. Plan A Trip Together

There are very few people who don't appreciate a break from work and some time in the sunshine, and your girlfriend is probably no exception. Whether you can afford to take a whole week off work or just a long weekend, planning a getaway together will perk up your relationship without fail. Planning a holiday is often every bit as fun as the main event, so start sending each other screenshots of Jamaican beaches and discount airfares.

9. Change Up Your Bedroom Routine

If you've noticed your girlfriend’s enthusiasm for sex has recently waned, you might need to vary your usual routine. When it becomes clear that something needs to change, men often make the mistake of assuming that everything needs to be done harder, faster and for longer.Women often hate this. The key to pleasing your girlfriend is usually less about introducing wild new positions and props, and more to do with clear communication and a genuine interest in her pleasure. If you'd like a better sex life in 2016, ask her what she’d like you to do more of, and if you're game, start following through.

10. Consider The Level Of Commitment

You're reading an article on how to make your girlfriend happier, so it's clear that you value her and the relationship you have together. Assuming she feels the same, the ultimate way to make her smile might be to ramp up your level of commitment. Depending on how long you've been together, this could take many forms: It could mean buying a car or pet together, moving in with each other, or, if the time is right, perhaps even pop rhe question

Saturday, 18 March 2017


Cosmetic makes girls look tush and beautiful and attractive and we love them, 
But Wait a oh, have you ever thought of the possible harm it can cause the skin when used daily?
Do you know that this cosmetics have harmful chemicals like sodium sulphates,
phthalates , parabens , triclosan and
various reactive acids  in them that can deprave your skin and cause Cancer????

It is said through the ages, too much of everything is bad... There is a good and bad side to every thing.. While It's almost impossible to do without makeup for ladies, because there is so much dependence on them...
so ill just run us through some negative effect of daily cosmetic on the skin.

Cosmetics may cause the following effects on you skin......

1. Skin irritation :
Especially for those who have sensitive skin, itching, lead patches, pimples, scary acne outbreak, skin discoluration and clog pores on your facial skin are caused by oil based foundation, bronzer and blushes...  This cosmetic make you look youthful but the later effect is bad...

2. High Cancer risk:
Experts have said that comestics is also a major cause of Cancer due to the chemical used in production and preserving them. So It's high time to slow down on the cosmetics cos It's a deadly.

3. Headache:
Just because you apply so much layers of beauty product on your face, it causes migrain, and other reactions, this is a proven research by scientist....

There are Alternative natural beauty product to look out for, which is less harmful to the skin, and you can still maintain your glam.
I'll advice you to research and read more about your Cosmetics and the good and bad role they play on the skin...

Credit: explicit info

Friday, 10 March 2017

Live your dreams now! (Video)

I ask you, will your last word be if i, wake up, hey you wake up, you don't wanna get hold and your last words wil be if i.
Get up and live. Martin luther never had a dream, he is living the dream, so get up and live your dreams, don't let doubt wey you down. watch this video by prince ea

Courage in the face of fear (video)

Is there something there within you that you need to get out to the world, is there something within you that could change were you are now!
Can i say, if you are not doing good now, you owe it to yourself and also if you are doing great you also owe it to yourself.
Watch this video

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Live free

Each and everyday we as human live a life we never expected. We see both the bad and the good bit atimes we choose to ignore things that are relevant to us.
Watch this video and see what am talking about.

18 foods that are good for your heart

Even though the death toll caused by
heart diseases has fallen over the years, it is still the #1 diseases that causes millions of deaths in over. Do not be afraid, because there are countless ways to prevent heart attacks and strokes, and keep your heart revitalized and healthy. All it takes is mindful eating and a healthy, wholesome diet.
Eating healthy, living wholesomely and working out regularly is all you need to do to keep your heart healthy and reduce your risk for contracting heart diseases.
Here are 18 foods that you must add to your diet to keep your heart healthy and strong.

1. Pomegranate
Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, anthocyanin that prevents your arteries from hardening, and polyphenols that are extremely healthy for the heart. A recent study revealed that pomegranate juice, when consumed daily, can improve your blood flow and fortify your heart. However, if you don’t like pomegranates or seek to add more variety in your diet, you can also pick out apples as they are also very heart-friendly.

2. Coffee
Here’s a happy news for coffee lovers, it actually helps you strength your heart and keep it healthy. A study revealed that two cups of coffee everyday can reduce the risk of heart strokes and cardiovascular ailments by 30%. And another study proved that those who consume more than six cups of coffee reduce their risk of dying due to heart disease by 15%. We’re not entirely sure why coffee is so beneficial, but for those of us who simply can’t function without it, this is great new, isn’t it?

3. Oatmeal
Oatmeal clears up your digestive tracts, soak in all the cholesterol and prevent it from entering your bloodstream. It is packed with soluble fiber that works wonders at reducing cholesterol levels and eliminates your risk of contracting heart diseases.
However, be sure to avoid instant oatmeal as it is filled with added sugars. Instead, bring home a box of old fashioned oats and enjoy them for a hearty and healthy breakfast every morning. You can also eat whole grain bread, grits and pasta.

4. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are packed with potassium, which is extremely healthy for the heart, along with being extremely rich in lycopene, an antioxidant and carotenoid that expands your blood vessels, eliminates bad cholesterol and reduces your risk for contracting heart diseases.
The best part is, tomatoes really fill you up and they are extremely low in sugars and calories. They can be added to your meals in more delicious ways than one, and they nourish your body thoroughly.

5. Green Tea
Green tea is extremely popular amongst Asians, and it is the primary reason why they’re so fit and lean. Its popularity is also rising in the West and medical researchers are beginning to understand its countless benefits.
Green is rich in antioxidants called catechins, which keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of death by heart stroke or attack. A recent study revealed that individuals who consume four or more cups of green tea every day tend to lower their risk for heart strokes and cardiovascular ailments by 20%. Avid green tea drinkers enjoy countless health benefits, along with maintaining their desired weight.

6. Olive Oil
Olives are an excellent source of good and healthy fats, and olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which curb blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
A recent study that reviewed the Mediterranean eating habits, which consist of lots of veggies, olive oil, fruits, nuts and grains, and they revealed that 4 tbsp. of olive oil a day reduces the risk of dying due to heart diseases or strokes by 30%. And the best part is, olives have a lovely taste, and they are best ingredient to add to salads, sandwiches and burgers.

7. Soy
Soy products are rich in massive amounts of polyunsaturated fats, which can work wonders to your health and vitality. Products such as tofu and soy milk are devoid of cholesterol and unhealthy fats, and they enrich your diet with huge amounts of protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Soy products help reduce and regulate blood pressure levels, along with reducing the LDL or bad cholesterol levels in your body.

8. Green Veggies
Green vegetables such as Broccoli, spinach and kale strengthen and fortify your heart. They are rich in antioxidants called carotenoids, which rid your body of all toxins and harmful compounds.
Vegetables are always good for health, and the best part is, they are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. Kale also has a strong profile of omega-3 fatty acids. So, be sure to add more green veggies to your plate, at least a quarter of your plate should be laden with them.

9. Salmon
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are the healthiest foods for your heart, they are packed with massive quantities of omega-3 fatty acids. Research reveals that salmon and other fatty fish helps reduce the risk of arrhythmia, which is basically an irregular heartbeat, along with lowering the risk of plaque building up in your arteries, also known as atherosclerosis.
You must eat fatty fish at least thrice a week because it also lowers the risk for triglycerides. And if you’re not a big fan of fish, you can always consume omega-3 fatty acids in supplements and capsules.

10. Legumes
Legumes such as peas, lentils and beans are rich in protein and contain lots of healthy fats. These plants help lower and regulate blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, along with reducing the risk of heart disease and its symptoms.
A recent study revealed that individuals who eat legumes four times every week have a 22% lesser risk of contracting heart ailments as opposed to those who ate it once or twice a month.

11. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols, which are flavonoids that help control and reduce clotting, blood pressure levels and inflammation within your body. Chocolates that contain around 60% cocoa are healthy for your heart, and there are countless studies to validate this claim.
A study revealed that eating small portions of dark chocolate everyday can reduce heart strokes and attacks, even amongst individuals who are at high risk to contract cardiovascular ailments. However, candy bars and milk chocolates are not heart-healthy, so be sure to avoid those.

12. Nuts
Nuts such as walnuts, peanuts, almonds, macadamia nuts and pistachio are rich in Vitamin E, which helps reduces bad cholesterol levels and keeps you healthy. Even though some people avoid nuts because they believe they are packed with fats, the truth is that nuts help people lose weight by filling them up and reducing untimely pangs of hunger.
Also, some nuts, such as walnuts, are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that reduce the risk for heart disease, and keep you lean and fit. However, be sure to avoid nuts that are coated in lots of added salt.

13. Citrus Fruits
Citric fruits such as oranges and grapefruits are rich in flavonoids, and women who eat lots of these citrus treats lower their risk of ischemic stroke by 19%.
Citrus fruits are also packed with vitamin C, which works wonders to lower the risk for heart diseases. However, grapefruit products can interfere with the effectiveness of statins, which are medicines that lower cholesterol. Also, avoid citrus juices because they are packed with added sugars.

14. Flax Seeds
Flax seeds are extremely popular amongst health nuts, because these seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial and healthy for your heart. They are also rich in fiber, which makes them even healthier for lowering cholesterol levels and keeping you fit.
You can eat flax seeds in countless ways, for instance, pair them up with oatmeal, blueberries, other fruits and soy milk to make a delicious smoothie, or just toss them into a salad.

15. Berries
Berries are packed with anthocyanin, and rich with antioxidants called flavonoids, which help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure levels. Blueberries, cranberries and strawberries are extremely good for health, and they enrich your body with healthy fats.
A recent study just revealed that women who consumed more than three servings of strawberries and blueberries every week tended to have a 32% lesser risk for heart disease.

16. Potatoes
Even though popular belief is that potatoes are filled with bad starch, which can be harmful for the heart. But the truth is that potatoes are not junk food and they do not contain any refined carbs, in fact, they are actually very beneficial for the heart, as long as you don’t deep fry them.
Potatoes are rich in fiber and potassium, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, along with lowering your blood pressure levels and countless other health benefits.

17. Avocado
Avocados are rich in antioxidants, potassium and monounsaturated fats, which work to lower the risk of heart disease, along with your cholesterol levels. They also have remarkable weight loss benefits, and they enrich your heart and body with healthy fats.
You can always eat them fresh and raw, add them to a salad, or pair them with tomatoes and other veggies.

18. Red Wine
Red wine is rich in a polyphenol called resveratrol, which is beneficial for health when consumed in moderation. In fact, moderate quantities of any alcohol, be it whiskey or brandy, are considered beneficial in curbing and lowering the risk of heart disease.
However, more than two drinks every day can increase this risk. Even coffee works the same way, however, this should not be a pretext to start stocking up on liquor because there are several other non-alcoholic sources, for instance grapes and organic peanut butter.

For men only: 5 ways to know she wants sex

As a man you have to understand every signal a woman when she needs you.ouple cuddling
Men are known to be quite direct and open about their feelings when it comes to sex, but the same cannot be said about women who would rather give subtle hints.
If you don't take time to learn the signals a woman gives when she's in the mood to get down, you might end up missing some cool opportunities for great sex.
So how do you know when the green light is on? Here are 5 easy ways to know she wants sex:
    She dresses sexy/wear makeup: If you notice that your girlfriend or wife is suddenly putting in the effort to look much more sexy than she usually does, chances are that there is a reason behind it. This is her way of trying to arouse your desire, in order to get the sexual satisfaction that she wants. Then again, if she puts in hours of effort to look good for you and it appears you don't notice, she will become very pissed at you. The next time she puts in a lot of effort to look good for you, make sure that you tell her, and don't forget to make a move for sex later in the night.

She "accidentally" reveals some skin: Have you ever been in the room with your girlfriend when she was changing her clothes, and she seemed to linger in her panties for just a moment too long? If so, she was probably inviting you to initiate sex with her. The key with this move is to spontaneously take advantage of the moment. Just throw her on the bed, start giving her foreplay, and have sex with her right there. Trust me, she's going to love you for realizing how badly she wanted sex.

  She "accidentally" rubs against you: This is another subtle way a woman will try to arouse your desire, by "accidentally" rubbing against you. This signal may be a little difficult to pick up if you're not attuned to it. However, once you recognize it, a lot more opportunities for great sex will come your way. Look for subtle signals like this your girlfriend might be sending out, and be ready to take advantage of them.

  She becomes unusually responsive when you first touch her: Have you ever found yourself in a scenario where you started kissing your girlfriend, and she gave a little moan and started rubbing your body a little? If so, she probably wanted sex. Again, the difference here can be very subtle and easy to miss if you're not looking for it. What you should watch out for is any small noises or sexual movements which she normally would not make when you first touch her or kiss her. Some women will also look at you with that "take me" sexual eye contact to let you know.
  • She's especially excited or irritable: This is the most difficult one to figure out, since it's so counter-intuitive. Sometimes, your girlfriend would seem irritated or full of manic energy for no reason, and if you're not attentive enough, you might just assume she doesn't want sex. Wrong. Think about how you feel when you're really horny, but can't have sex … don't you get irritated about little things which normally wouldn't bother you? Women go through same thing, only more intensely. Recognizing that this type of behaviour is usually caused by repressed sexual desire is a huge breakthrough for a lot of guys. Instead of yelling or arguing with her (which would just piss her off and make her more sexually frustrated), just eliminate the real source of her frustration by initiating sex. It would make her much happier, and also lead some great sex in the process.
  • Easy Ways to Get Advertisers on Your Site

    Easy Ways to Get Advertisers on Your Site

    If you're just getting started on the internet--or simply looking for ways to add new revenue streams to your business--you might be considering accepting ads for other companies' products on your website.
    Who wouldn't like to make a few extra bucks without any effort? You just put up a few ads on your site and wait for the cash to roll in, right?
    Not necessarily.
    To make your site attractive to companies looking for ad space, you'll need to have a great niche market, tons of traffic and the promise of good ad placement on your site. However, if you don't have all these elements in place yet, there are still ways for you to make money from ads on your site. The easiest--and often the most successful--include:
    1. Promote an affiliate product on your site.
    Joining another company's affiliate program is one of the simplest ways to get started with internet advertising. While affiliate links aren't technically ads, they allow you to make money by promoting someone else's product. As an affiliate, you earn a commission each time someone you've referred makes a purchase. To encourage sales, you might post a banner on your site that links to the affiliate site or publish a newsletter article about their product.
    Different affiliate programs offer different payout options. Some might offer 10 percent commission for each sale, while others pay up to 50 percent of each sale. You'll want to shop around for the best deal for you and the best fit for your site. To find good affiliate programs, check out the following directories:

    Some internet advertising pros are actually making all their income from signing on with multiple affiliate programs. They don't even have a product of their own! This isn't a strategy for beginners, however, so take some time to check out different programs before committing to this option.
    2. Use targeted advertising with Google AdSense.
    Google's AdSense program allows you to make money advertising on your site by placing targeted text ads generated by Google on your pages. The ads appear in rectangular boxes running down the side or across the bottom of a web page with the words "Ads by Google" over the top. These ads are paid for by businesses that use Google's pay-per-click program, AdWords. These ads reflect the content on your site, so if your site sells a book on how to recognize authentic baseball cards, for example, the ads that appear on your site might be for baseball card retailers.
    As a Google AdSense publisher, you earn money every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the AdWords ads on your site. If you're getting a lot of targeted traffic--and if these visitors are interested in the products being advertised--that could mean a healthy new source of extra income for you.
    Best of all, Google AdSense is free to join. It's easy, too. Google does all the work of finding relevant ads for your site--you just collect the payments.
    A word of warning: Google ads don't work for all sites, so if you add them, be sure to test them. You don't want to lose credibility with your target market.
    3. Approach companies directly to ask if you can advertise for them.
    If your site is already getting lots of traffic, try looking for sites that offer complementary products and target the same niche market as you do. For instance, if you own a bridal shop, you could approach a local florist to see if they'd like to advertise their wedding bouquets on your site. An ad on your site would also be seen as an implicit recommendation of their product, and it could send a ton of brides to their site. And the more successful your ads are, the more you can charge for them.
    Be sure to contact potential internet advertising partners in a professional manner. Call them on the phone instead of just e-mailing them so your communication is more personal and professional. Be ready to supply them with information about your business and your site traffic. The more information you can give them, the more likely they'll be to consider your offer. And above all, make sure they have a solid reputation. If you partner with a questionable company, their activities could reflect poorly on your business.
    4. Sign up for a blog-specific ad program.
    If you have a blog, consider signing up to feature blog-specific ads on your site. The key is to consider the kinds of ads your target audience will find valuable. Here are some great ways to attract advertisers to your blog:
    • Sign up with a context-based ad program like Google's AdSense that will automatically generate ads for your site that you can put up within minutes of being accepted to their program. Crisp Ads offers a similar program, but only for blogs.
    • Place Amazon Associates ads on your site, and feature ads for products you personally use or are happy to endorse. That way, your customers are responding to your recommendations.
    • Get advertisers interested in your blog with a link they can use to contact you for rates and requirements. This link can be a simple message saying "Click here to find out how to advertise on this blog!" That way, anyone visiting your site is free to discuss advertising opportunities with you.
    • Sign up with an advertiser-publisher connection program like BlogAds or AdBrite, and get listed in their publishers' directory. One important note: With these types of ads, the advertisers look through listings of thousands of blogs to choose the right people to promote their products. Unless you're getting thousands of visitors a day, they might not be all that interested in doing business with you.
    Making money from your site isn't a matter of putting up a few ads and grabbing a paycheck--it takes a lot of research and testing on an already established site to make even the best internet advertising strategies truly pay off.
    Even then, you may find that your audience resists the presence of ads. If you're putting people off by placing ads on your pages, you could end up losing more customers and revenue than you actually gain. To make sure this doesn't happen, test every aspect of each new ad campaign you run.
    Once you do discover the internet advertising strategies that work best for your site, you can try promoting another product, and then another. Soon, all those added revenue streams will combine to swell your profits.
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