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Saturday, 25 February 2017


How in the world can i move on when i know my brother is down, how can i be strong and courageous when i know my neighbor hasn't eaten, how can i be comfortable when i know its just not good to do whats bad.
How can i go on with a guilt and pride inside of me without being able to open my mouth and just say sorry.
And still i call myself a Christian or a Muslim. What does my pastor teach, what does the imam says about everything. Yet we turn deaf hears and pretend like we heard what he said. Cos i don't see how  i will be guided by this people and still watch someone die before my very ones, have i no conscience.

    Lou Holtz said and i quote  I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care. 

So charge you this morning, just has your pastor will , Do the right thing before its too late.

Friday, 24 February 2017


Don't let anything be an hindrance to your destiny.
You offend someone, ask for forgiveness, they offend you! Forgive the person, cos life is too damn short to hold a grudge against someone.
Smile more, cos when you smile more, you are actually gettimg more younger,so don't go around frowning your face, cos with frowning comes old age.
Meet new people, enjoy life, be the very best you can be in whatever you are doing or planning on doing because you don't know when the owner of yoir life will ask you for it.
Enjoy your weekend with a lot of smile,stress free mind and happiness in your soul, if not for anything just for you being alive.

How to handle jealously.

Jealousy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s human nature. It’s natural to feel jealous from time to time.
Jealousy becomes problematic “when we act out in jealousy or we wallow in it,” said Christina Hibbert, PsyD, a clinical psychologist in Flagstaff, Ariz.
It becomes problematic when it starts to consume you and “creeps into every aspect of your life,” said Kathy Morelli, LPC, a psychotherapist with a marriage and family counseling practice in Wayne, N.J. And you find yourself feeling bitter and angry often, she said.
One of the most common types of jealousy is romantic jealousy, she said. We also tend to feel jealous about others’ successes, strengths, lifestyles and relationships, Hibbert said.
For instance, we might believe someone’s life is much easier or more comfortable than ours. “We see only the good in their life and only the ‘bad’ in ours.” Or we might believe our best friend has a better relationship with another friend.
Social networking sites – such as Facebook – also can trigger jealousy. “[T]oday our online and offline worlds overlap, so there’s a lot more confusion and complexity in relationships and more ways to compare ourselves to others,” Morelli said.
Insecurity often underlies jealousy. “We feel threatened, or less than or not good enough,” Hibbert said. “[W]e fear that someone else’s strengths mean something negative about us.”
(Jealously also may be the result of your earlier experiences . But more on that later.)
Below, you’ll find general tips for dealing with jealousy, along with specific suggestions for jealousy in romantic relationships.
Tips for Romantic Relationships
Assess your relationship.
“The best way to overcome jealousy is to first take a look at your romantic relationship,”
Morelli said. For instance, consider if your relationship is built on trust, respect and love, and if your partner’s behavior reflects their words, she said.
Are they honest with you? If they’re not, naturally, this can trigger or perpetuate your insecurities, said Morelli, also author of the books BirthTouch® for Pregnant and Postpartum Couples , Perinatal Mental Illness for Childbirth Professionals , and Healing for Parents in the NICU .
“If you are in an insecure relationship, expect to have your jealousy buttons pushed. But no one can tell you what to do. If you stay, most likely you’ll feel bad and jealous sometimes.”
Assess yourself.
If you’re in a secure and solid relationship, and you’re still feeling jealous, look at yourself and explore your own experiences.
“Research on the subject of jealousy in a romantic relationship indicates that a person’s basic attachment style underlies their tendencies towards jealous reactions,” Morelli said.
People who developed secure attachments in their early years – between themselves and their caregivers – tend to be less jealous and dependent, have higher self-esteem and have less feelings of inadequacy than people with an insecure attachment style, she said.
Morelli suggested asking yourself these questions:
“Do you have a pervasive feeling of emptiness or lack of self-worth?
How was your relationship with your early caregivers?
Was the atmosphere in your home warm and loving sometimes, but also critical?
Were you raised in a repressive atmosphere?
Were your early caregivers unreliable?”
Attachment style is malleable, she said. Later experiences and circumstances can influence your style. For instance, a skilled therapist can help you build self-esteem and work through your concerns.
Seek out other support.
Have interests outside your relationship, Morelli said. Talk to a friend about your jealous feelings, “but don’t do this to the exclusion of talking to your partner.”
General Tips
Recognize your jealousy.
“When we name the jealousy, it loses its power, because we are no longer letting it shame us,”
Hibbert said. Acknowledging that you’re jealous opens the door to learning, she said.
Learn from your jealousy.
We can use feelings of jealousy as inspiration to grow, said Hibbert, also author of the book This is How We Grow . For instance, you realize that the reason you get jealous every time your friend plays her guitar is because that’s also something you’d like to do. Rather than wallowing in that jealousy, you sign up for guitar lessons, she said.
Let it go.
Tell yourself that you don’t need this emotion in your life, and you’re relinquishing it, Hibbert said. Then “breathe deeply, and imagine it flowing through you like the wind. Repeat as often as it takes to truly let it go.”
Manage your emotions healthfully.
“Practice mindfulness to calm your runaway emotions,” Morelli said. For instance, she suggested readers tune into your body to identify how you’re feeling, take several deep breaths and try to detach from the intensity of those emotions.
If your jealousy involves your romantic relationship, share your feelings with your partner after you calm down, she said.
To process your emotions, she also suggested journaling, dancing to your favorite music and taking a walk.
Remind yourself of your positive traits.
Hibbert gave this example: “She is really good at playing with her kids, and I’m not so good. But I’m great at reading to them, and they love that about me.” This reminds us that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, she said.
Again, jealousy is a normal reaction. It becomes problematic when it becomes persistent. When you find yourself feeling jealous, recognize what’s happening and delve deeper into your relationships and yourself.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


To look and feel your best at every age, it’s important to make smart lifestyle and health choices. Here are six simple things that women can do every day (or with regularity) to ensure good health:

Health Tip #1: Eat a healthy diet. “You want to eat as close to a natural foods diet as you can,” says Donald Novey, MD, an integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park Ridge, Ill. That means a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eat whole grains and high-fiber foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish, and poultry. Include low-fat dairy products in your diet as well — depending on your age, you need between 800 and 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily to help avoid osteoporosis, Dr. Novey says. Avoid foods and beverages that are high in calories, sugar, salt, and fat.
Healthy eating will help you maintain a proper weight for your height, which is important because being overweight can lead to a number of illnesses. Looking for a healthy snack? Try some raw vegetables, such as celery, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, or zucchini with dip made from low-fat yogurt.
If you’re not getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet, you might want to take a multivitamin and a calcium supplement to make sure you’re maintaining good health.

Health Tip #2: Exercise. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in America, but plenty of exercise can help keep your heart healthy. You want to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, if not every day. Aerobic exercises (walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, dancing) are good for women’s health in general and especially for your heart, says Sabrena Merrill, MS, of Lawrence, Kan., a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor and a spokeswoman for the American Council on Exercise.

Health Tip #3: Avoid risky habits. Stay away from cigarettes and people who smoke. Don’t use drugs. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Most women’s health studies show that women can safely consume one drink a day. A drink is considered to be about 12 to 14 grams of alcohol, which is equal to 12 ounces of beer (4.5 percent alcohol); 5 ounces of wine (12.9 percent alcohol); or 1.5 ounces of spirits (hard liquor such as gin or whiskey, 80-proof).

Health Tip #4: Manage stress. No matter what stage of her life — daughter, mother, grandmother — a woman often wears many hats and deals with a lot of pressure and stress. “Take a few minutes every day just to relax and get your perspective back again,” Novey says. “It doesn’t take long, and mental health is important to your physical well-being.” You also can manage stress with
exercise, relaxation techniques, or meditation.

Health Tip #5: Sun safely. Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause skin
cancer, which can be deadly. To protect against skin cancer , wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 if you are going to be outdoors for more than a few minutes. Even if you wear sunscreen faithfully, you should check regularly for signs of skin cancer. Warning signs include any changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of birthmarks, moles, or freckles, or new, enlarging, pigmented, or red skin areas. If you spot any changes or you find you have sores that are not healing, consult your doctor.

Health Tip #6: Check for breast cancer. The American Cancer Society no longer recommends monthly breast self-exams for women. However, it still suggests them as “an option” for women, starting in their 20s. You should be on the lookout for any changes in your breasts and report any concerns to your doctor. All women 40 and older should get a yearly mammogram as a mammogram is the most effective way of detecting cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable.
A woman’s health needs change as she ages, but the basics of women’s health remain the same. If you follow these six simple healthy living tips, you will improve your quality of life for years to come.

Sunday, 19 February 2017


If you are prone to negative thinking, you may feel as though this is an innate quality which will impact on you throughout your life. It is this misconception that drags many people down in their lives, as they allow negative thoughts to consume them and overwhelm their mind-set.

In fact, negative thinking is a habit that can be challenged and changed through knowledge, strategy and behaviour. As we understand the cause of our negativity and change the way in which we perceive situations, we can develop a more positive outlook that delivers huge rewards in our personal and professional lives!

Overcoming anxiety (video)

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life – for example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam, or having a medical test or job interview."

Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness. Don"t let your struggle become your identity." Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. Henry Ward Beecher said.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Know what your perfume means

Christmas has come and gone, February is now upon us and we are all looking forward to spring. Blossom will soon be in the trees and the smell of fresh flowers will be popping up everywhere. It’s not just the flowers that we be smelling sweet though. So many of us have recently stocked up on our fragrance supply at Christmas and there is no doubt more on the way with Valentines day. But…. what does your new perfume say about you?

Your sense of smell has been scientifically proven to have no filter and links directly to our emotions and memories. Scents are so powerful that they are actually the direct cause of animal like reactions. We are all mammals after all!

Fruity Fragrances

If you are a lover of those fruity citrus or berry scents then you are definitely a sun worshiper. You cling on to that summer freshness and keep it alive all year though with your favourite perfume. Here are a couple of fruity fragrances that you should try for sure!

Musky Fragrances

You might think musk is such a manly word. A little known fact is that practically all fragrances contain a bit of musk. Yes, apparently musk is actually a thing! Known as the musk molecule, it’s added as a base to most perfumes. If you are a lover of the more ‘musky’ scents then it probably means you are quite a hygienic and clean person. Weird I know, but I bet you have just showered and are spraying on your musk as we speak.

Floral Fragrances

Probably the most obvious but if you prefer the odours of the flower petals in your bottle, then you are most likely feminine and romantic. The most common floral notes used in perfumes are scents such as jasmine, gardenia, iris and rose. Floral based fragrances are definitely for the girly girl!

Which are my favourite florals right now?

Woody Fragrances

Woody perfumes are just as they sound. Ingredients such as patchouli, sandalwood and amber are used so the finished perfumes are very earthy and masculine. Popular with more women than you would think, wearers of woody fragrances are often sensual and warm-hearted.

Spicy/Oriental Fragrances

Spicy fragrances usually contain a bit of everything from musk to floral elements. Things like pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg are spicy fragrance staples. The woman who wears a spicy EDP is probably deep and interesting. A ponderer and very much a caring person so this woman is certainly interested in socially important issues.

So which type of fragrance girl are you?

Take a look in your fragrance collection, what does your new perfume say about you?

Thursday, 16 February 2017


growing up, we were always taught that we shouldn’t have sex, we shouldn’t do anything before marriage, but now that I know better, or now that I’m grown and with the kind of experiences that I’ve had, and that of other people, I think it’s kind of important to have premarital sex.

Seriously, because you have your lifetime to spend with this person, so I think it’s important you need to find out what they like, how they like it, if they like it, if they are teachable, because some people will tell you that if you don’t like how your husband makes love to you then you teach him.

A lot of men are not teachable, a lot of men think teaching them how to make love to their wife is a crime. Yes, a lot of men think it’s a crime for a woman to say don’t do it this way, do it that way, aren’t you a woman, why should you have a preference? .

A lot of couples’ sexuality don’t match, no matter how hard you try, and once you marry and you are not having good sex I don’t think you will be happy. I don’t think any woman would be happy if she’s not having good sex with her husband, it’s crazy. And if I’m to spend the first 6-7years teaching you how to have sex with me, I’ll be frustrated.”

Source explicitinfo

Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Maybe you don't care about your breakfast, you just wake up in the morning, brush up and whush, you are off to work.
But the truth is, breakfast is most important among the meals. It gives you strength, nourishes you for the rest of the day.

So here are 10 nutricious breakfadt to choose from.

1. Eggs
Eggs are undeniably healthy and delicious.
Studies have shown eating eggs at breakfast increases feelings of fullness, reduces calorie intake at the next meal and helps maintain steady blood sugar and insulin levels ( 1, 2, 3 ).
Additionally, egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help prevent eye disorders like cataracts and macular degeneration.
Eggs are also one of the best sources of choline, a nutrient that’s very important for brain and liver health.
They’re also high in cholesterol, but don’t raise cholesterol levels in most people. In fact, eating whole eggs may reduce heart disease risk by modifying the shape of LDL, increasing HDL and improving insulin sensitivity.
What’s more, three large eggs provide about 20 grams of high-quality protein .
Eggs are also very versatile.
For example, hard-boiled eggs make a great portable breakfast that can be prepared ahead of time.

2. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is creamy, delicious and nourishing.
It is made by straining whey and other liquid from the curds, which produces a creamier yogurt that is more concentrated in protein.
Protein has been shown to reduce feelings of hunger, and has a higher thermic effect than fat or carbs.
The term “thermic effect” refers to the increase in metabolic rate that occurs after eating.
Yogurt and other dairy products can also help with weight control, because they increase levels of hormones that promote fullness, including PYY and GLP-1 ( 9, 11 ).
Full-fat yogurt also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may increase fat loss and decrease breast cancer risk .
Certain types of Greek yogurt are good sources of probiotics, like Bifidobacterium, which help your gut stay healthy. To make sure your yogurt contains probiotics, look for the phrase “contains live and active cultures” on the label.
Try topping Greek yogurt with berries or chopped
fruit in order to increase the meal’s vitamin, mineral and fiber content.

3. Coffee
Coffee is an amazing beverage to start your day.
It’s high in caffeine , which has been shown to improve mood, alertness and mental performance.
Even small amounts of caffeine can achieve these effects.
Caffeine has also been shown to increase metabolic rate and fat burning. In one study, 100 mg of caffeine per day helped people burn an extra 79–150 calories over a 24-hour period.
Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation, protect the cells lining your blood vessels and decrease diabetes and liver disease risk.

4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is the best breakfast choice for cereal lovers.
It’s made from ground oats , which contain a unique fiber called beta-glucan. This fiber has many impressive health benefits, including reduced cholesterol.
In addition, beta-glucan is a viscous fiber that promotes feelings of fullness. One study found that beta-glucan increased levels of the “fullness hormone” PYY and that higher doses had the greatest effect.
Oats are also rich in antioxidants, which protect their fatty acids from becoming rancid. These antioxidants may also help protect heart health and decrease blood pressure.
Although oats don’t contain gluten, they’re often processed in the same facilities as gluten-containing grains. Researchers have found that most oats are indeed contaminated with other grains, especially barley
Therefore, people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity should choose oats that have been certified as gluten-free .
One cup of cooked oatmeal contains about 6 grams of protein, which won’t provide the benefits of a higher-protein breakfast . Oatmeal made from steel-cut oats provides about twice as much protein.
To boost the protein content of an oatmeal breakfast, prepare it with milk instead of water or serve it with a side of eggs or a piece of

Also readFruits that maked you feel fresh and younger

5. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are extremely nutritious.
They’re also one of the best sources of fiber around.
In fact, one ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds provides an impressive 11 grams of fiber per serving.
What’s more, a portion of the fiber in chia seeds is viscous fiber.
Viscous fiber absorbs water, which increases the volume of food moving through your digestive tract and helps you feel full and satisfied.
Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants. They protect your cells from unstable molecules called free radicals, which are produced during metabolism .
However, one serving of chia seeds provides about 4 grams of protein, which may not be optimal for breakfast.
Here is a recipe for chia pudding that contains more than 25 grams of protein.
High-Protein Chia Seed Pudding
1 ounce (28 grams) dried chia seeds.
1 scoop whey protein powder.
1 cup coconut milk or almond milk.
Half a cup of berries.
Stevia or other sweetener to taste, if desired.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Cover bowl and refrigerate for at least one hour.

6. Berries
Berries are delicious and packed with antioxidants.
Popular types include
blueberries, raspberries,
strawberries and blackberries.
They’re lower in sugar than most fruits, yet higher in fiber. In fact, raspberries and blackberries each provide an impressive 8 grams of fiber per cup.
What’s more, one cup of berries contains only 50–85 calories, depending on the type.
Berries also contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which protect your heart and may help you age better.
Berries have been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, prevent blood cholesterol from becoming oxidized and keep the cells lining your blood vessels healthy
A good way to add berries to your breakfast is to eat them with Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.

7. Nuts
Nuts are tasty, satisfying and nutritious.
They’re a great addition to breakfast because they are filling and help prevent
weight gain.
Even though nuts are high in calories, studies suggest you do not absorb all of the fat in them.
In fact, your body only absorbs about 129 calories from a 28-gram (1-ounce) serving of almonds.
This may be true for some other nuts as well, although at this time only almonds have been tested.
Furthermore, nuts have been shown to improve heart disease risk factors, reduce insulin resistance and decrease inflammation.
All types of nuts are also high in magnesium , potassium and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.
In addition, Brazil nuts are one of the best sources of selenium. In fact, just two Brazil nuts provide more than 100% of the recommended daily intake of selenium.
Nuts are also beneficial for people with diabetes. In one study, replacing a portion of carbs with 2 ounces of nuts led to reduced blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Topping Greek yogurt, cottage cheese or oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts provides crunch and flavor, while increasing your breakfast’s nutritional value.

8. Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.
It contains caffeine, which improves alertness and mood, along with raising metabolic rate.
Green tea provides only 35–70 mg of caffeine per cup, which is about half the amount in coffee.
Green tea may be especially helpful against diabetes.
A review of 17 studies found that green tea drinkers had reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels .
It also contains an antioxidant known as EGCG , which may protect the brain, nervous system and heart from damage.

9. Protein Shake
Another great way to start your day is with a protein shake or smoothie.
Several types of protein powder can be used, including whey, egg, soy and pea protein.
However, the protein is absorbed the most quickly by your body.
It has also been studied the most, and provides several health benefits. Additionally, it seems to reduce appetite more than other forms of protein.
One study compared four high-protein meals. They whey protein meal reduced appetite the most and led to the lowest calorie intake at the next meal.
In addition, the protein can help lower blood sugar levels when consumed as part of a carb-containing meal. It can also preserve muscle mass during weight loss and aging.
Regardless of the type of protein powder used, a high-protein shake can be satisfying and filling. Add fruit, greens, nut butter or seeds to provide fiber and antioxidants.

10. Fruit
Fruit can be a delicious part of a nourishing breakfast.
All types of fruit contain vitamins, potassium, fiber and are relatively low in calories. One cup of chopped fruit provides about 80–130 calories, depending on the type.
Citrus fruits are also very high in vitamin C. In fact, a large orange provides more than 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.
Fruit is also very filling, due to its high fiber and water content .
Pair fruit with eggs, cheese, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt for a well-balanced breakfast that will sustain you for hours.

Also read: 10 foods that heals faster

Make sure you have one of this meal every morning ,to have a much longer and happier life.


Wow, yesterday valentine was a bomb for many and for some, it was just a normal day for them.
But at the end, do you make your lover feel special or it was just spending all through. Valentine is a day for lovers to show them how special the are.

You can try 10 things you could do for your babe on valentines day

But it is past now, unless you are like me that is planning a makeup valentines day.
But every thing am trying to say is, don't just stop doing what you did yesterday, that is if you are eventually proud of it. Make each other feel special eveytime and not just occasionally. Love is the greatest thing that could possibly happen to you in a whole life time, so don't just let it go or go around spreading rumours of live to every one.

Good morning guys,wishing you a lovely day at work, school, home and every where you are today


Valentine’s Day is a big deal to a girl, so you’d better make sure that it’s a day to remember. If you haven’t got anything planned yet and you’re still struggling to come up with an idea, here’s some last minute ideas for 10 romantic things you can do for your girlfriend this Valentine’s day.

1. Book a room
Even if you’re not planning to go out of town, getting out the house will still make it an extra special day. Book a room in a hotel and reserve a table for dinner. Phone ahead and get some flowers and a box of chocolates, put in the room, and you have a relatively inexpensive and easy Valentines surprise, that will still be romantic.

2. Stay in and cook her dinner
Surprise her with your culinary expertise and rustle up something great for her in the kitchen. Lay the table with some roses and candles, because that’s just as important as the food to set the right the mood. She will love it that you went to all the trouble to cook her favourite meal and made that special evening to be so romantic.

3. Book a romantic weekend for two
Valentine’s Day is over a weekend this year and you’re still not too late to find somewhere to stay away for the weekend. Get online and find some last minute deals, you can always tell her you had it planned for ages!

4. Take her on a starlight picnic
Depending on what the weather is like where you are, a picnic under the stars is a really romantic way to spend a Valentine’s evening. Pack a picnic hamper and blanket and drive somewhere out of time and spend a romantic time, all alone, in the open air (well, if it’s not too cold, of course).

5. Do something exciting
There’s no rule that says Valentine’s Day should be the traditional dinner for two. Why not book a reservation to a sporting activity like indoor rock climbing or playing a sport. If you both enjoy physical activity, then it’s a great way to have fun together on Valentine’s Day.

6. Go to a Karaoke bar
If your girlfriend can sing, or thinks she can, then a fun night out at a karaoke bar, singing romantic duets together, will be a night to remember. Or, if one of you is too shy to sing in public, have a karaoke night at home. There are plenty of web sites that will provide you with the music and the lyrics, or just try to find them on youtube.

7. Have a movie night at home
Some girls would just love to have a night in with Pizza and a pile of romantic DVD’s to watch. Get everything ready, so she can just kick off her shoes and sit back and relax. Just make sure you pick the movies that she’s going to like, not just your favourites.

8. Check out the local live music
If the lady of your life likes her music, then take her to a local music venue or club. You won’t find the big names, but the smaller venues are much more intimate and the music is more real. You never know, you could be one of the first people to have seen the next mega band live.

9. Book a date at a spa
Pamper both you and your girlfriend with a date at a spa. You can book for the day or to stay over the weekend and share in the fun. Many spa resorts do fantastic couple packages, so hunt around and make that last minute reservation.

10. Don’t forget next year!
A word of advice: don’t leave it so late next Valentine’s Day! It’s a lot easier to get things organised if you put a note in your diary in advance of February 14th . Imagine what would happen if you had forgotten it all together!

Stay happy, love and be loved! Happy val.


In case you haven’t been picking up on the subtle hints your girlfriend has been emailing you, # tagging you on twitter, messaging you on facebook or sweetly whispering into your ear, here’s the message loud and clear: Valentine’s Day is today.
What day exactly is V-day? Right, smack dab in the middle of an already short month, on February 14th.
Don’t worry just yet though, as you start to brainstorm some romantic (and fun and sexy and…) Valentine’s Day ideas that’ll impress your girlfriend, let us be your guide on figuring out what to say with what gift and what gesture. Though there are plenty of things to do on Valentine’s Day, you want to make sure what you buy or whatever activity you plan sets the tone for the next trip around the sun before V-Day rolls around again. Even if you don’t take the Hallmark holiday too seriously, it’s in your best interest to put in the extra effort, pull out the extra shots and truly make her feel special on the year’s sweetest day.
Are you sweating bullets yet?
Take a deep breath -- there are plenty of options of what to do for Valentine’s Day that’ll make her grin ear-to-ear and show her just how much you care about her and your relationship.
But what you do depends on how long you’ve been seeing one another and what level of romance you want to bring to Cupid’s day. So if you’re out of Valentine's Day gift ideas -- or can’t even think of one! -- we have you covered. From simple, classic red roses sent to her office to personalized gifts that honor the longevity of your couplehood given over a dinner at home, these Valentine’s Day date ideas are sure to do the trick -- and maybe even a little more.

Here’s what to do this Valentine’s Day to ensure it’s not only awesome, but will likely, make you lucky, too.

1.  You've Forgotten And It's Last-Minute
Take a breath - before you freak out that you’re put yourself into the dog house, remember that there are even last-minute romantic things and
last-minute Valentine's Day gifts you can do to make her smile. Some ideas? Buy rose petals at the florist and make a scavenger hunt for her around the apartment, all with reasons she’s wonderful, hot, sexy, smart, etc. Or personally deliver flowers to her office and treat her to lunch on Valentine’s Day. The biggest thing to remember about this holiday is to just make it special for her - and for your love.

2. You're Not Really Into valentine Day!
Some women don’t particularly care for February 14, instead, they’d rather you show how much you love them every day, not just in the middle of February. If your lady has casually mentioned that she doesn’t need to celebrate V-Day, take her word for it, but suggest you still do something fun since it’s a long weekend. Try something neither of you have ever done before - like rock climbing, seeing a new band, going for an impromptu road trip to the next state over. Whatever it might be, you don’t have to use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to do something exciting.

3. You're Recently Single
Most men - 78 percent to be exact - don’t mind if they don’t have a date on Valentine’s Day. But if you’re just out of a relationship, you might be missing the company - and okay, the consistent sex - of being with someone you care about. Round up your single guy friends and hit the slopes - it’s a long weekend, and getting away from the hearts and flowers along the streets will take your mind off of the romance. Plus, physical activity - followed by whiskey - will do you some good. And hey, it's a good time to show your best bud you care with some Valentine gifts for him.

Regardless of how long you’ve been together, sometimes, things just aren’t easy in a relationship. Even when you love the other person dearly, you won’t always see eye-to-eye on everything. If you’re going through a tough time with your girl, take the time to write a long, kind and open letter to her. Suggest that you go to one of your favorite restaurants, followed by a nice wine bar and give her what you wrote. It may help to break away some of the things keeping you apart, and more importantly, open up the dialogue to get your relationship or marriage back on track.

Weddings are expensive - and if you just got married last year, you’re likely still working on getting your savings back to where they were pre-nuptials. The weekend of Valentine’s Day, while she’s out running errands, bring out those wedding photos, pick up a cake similar to the one you had at your reception, buy the same flowers that were in her bouquet and grab a nice bottle of champagne, and write a loving card about your first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. She will love the sweet attention to detail, and might even get some of that honeymoon sex going, too. There are also a number of cheap Valentine's Day gifts for her options to choose from if you're feeling a little uninspired bouquet-wise.

You love your girl, but maybe you’re craving something different - and you feel like she is, too. Hey - it’s okay for your sex life to become a little less wild the longer you date, but to add some variety into it, suggest that for Valentine’s Day, you cook dinner at home and that you will make the evening all about her: a bubble bath for two, a hot oil massage, fuzzy bathrobe, an old movie and then, take your time going down on her. By initiating oral sex and making sure she is warmed up and ready to go, you’ll make the sex hotter.

Even in the happiest, healthiest of relationships, outside stresses - like job frustration - can put a damper on things. When it comes to celebrating, your girl might want to do something low-key, as opposed to something that’ll require even more work than what she’s balancing in the office. Though 57 percent of men think the dudes are supposed to plan V-Day , 68 percent of women say the couple should come up with something together. Be proactive and give your girl three options, like, ‘Pizza, wine and a massage’ ‘Reservations at that place you’ve been wanting to go’ or ‘ Netflix and takeout, plus a gift from me’ - and see what she wants. She’ll appreciate you thought ahead, but that you’re not surprising her with something over the top. Remember, it's not about racking up the most on your credit card — a cheap Valentine's Day gift can be good! — it's about showing her you remembered and care

8. You've Been Dating Over A Year
You’ve reached the point where some of the spark and the honeymoon stage has passed, and you’re learning to settle into one another. It’s at this point where you want to take a big step and see how you fair it together. Since Valentine’s Day is a long weekend this year (thanks, President’s Day!) - book a getaway, just for the two of you. Look for last-minute flight deals or pick something secluded and sweet a few hours from your home city. Getting out of your normal routine will bring some of that gotta-have-you kind of sex you miss.

9. You've Just Said "I Love You' Recently
If you’re at the point where you’re finishing phone calls with those three words, Valentine’s Day is likely one of the first romantic holidays that you and your girl will share together. In this case, sending flowers to her office will really flatter her. According to , the majority of flower orders are placed on February 11 - so beat the rush and order some now. When she receives them, not only will her co-workers ohh-and-ahh, making her feel special and loved, but we bet she’ll surprise you with something sexy in return.

10. You've Just Started Dating
So you like the girl, she likes you, you haven’t made it official, but you could see it heading that way. A good way to turn up the heat and move the could-be relationship forward is by inviting her to dinner. Though you might be one of the 62 percent of men who think it’s just a Hallmark holiday, 55 percent of women disagree. Invite her to go to dinner and grab
Valentine's Day cocktails, and if it goes well, suggest a night-cap at home. (And ahem, make sure you have some wine and roses waiting!) Or get her something from an array of unique Valentine's Day gifts.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017


Orange is one of the most nutrious and popular fruit around the world now.They are not only popular for their raw pulpy slices, juicy nature, and tangy and sweet flavour but also for their goodness of
vitamin C . Also called the golden apple, oranges offer numerous benefits covering health as well as beauty aspects. Here are the top 10 health benefits you can derive by eating oranges.
#1 Boosts immunity
Oranges is an excellent source of vitamin C. A single medium-sized orange can fulfil about 72% of your daily requirement for vitamin C. Since vitamin C plays a crucial role as an antioxidant by protecting your body against the damage caused by free radicals generated in the body. It therefore reduces inflammation in immune related conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Although debatable, researchers suggest that vitamin C also plays an important role in strengthening immune responses of the body, protecting against recurring cold and cough or any other common infections. Here are 11 ways to include oranges in your diet .
#2 Helps prevent ageing of skin
There’s a reason why oranges are popularly used in the beauty industry. Several beauty products including face packs, masks and creams that are available contain orange extract as a key ingredient. That’s because vitamin C present in oranges also helps prevent skin damage, by eliminating free radicals. Vitamin C, being involved in synthesis of collagen, an important component to maintain skin’s overall appearance and texture, prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. Apart from vitamin C, oranges are packed with vitamin A that help keep the skin membranes healthy. Here are 8 fruit packs you can make at home for beautiful skin.
#3 Protects the eyes
Vitamin A in oranges helps keep mucus membranes in the eyes healthy. Available in the form of carotenoid compounds like lutein, beta carotene and zeaxanthin, vitamin A is protective against age-related macular degeneration, a vision-related condition that causes blindness. Besides, it also plays an important role in allowing your eyes to absorb the light. You may also read tomatoes- natural remedy for good vision.
#4 Help prevents heart disease
This is yet another health benefit of oranges which is attributed to its vitamin C level. Free radicals generated during various reactions taking place in the cells can trigger oxidation of cholesterol, causing the oxidised molecules to aggregate and stick to the walls of the arteries. This leads to build up of plaques that eventually block the arteries, causing heart attack, coronary artery disease or even stroke. Vitamin C in oranges takes care of these free radicals and neutralises them, thus playing a role in preventing heart disease. Besides they also contain flavonoids like hesperidin that lowers cholesterol level and prevents the arteries from getting blocked.
#5 Helps brain development
Folate/folic acid or vitamin B9 present in oranges promote brain development and keep the vital organ in mint condition. In fact, these nutrients also make orange a healthy fruit for pregnant woman as it prevents the baby from having neurological disorders later. Oranges also contain phytonutrients called polyphenols that play a role in development of learning and memory functions of the brain.
#6 Helps prevent cancer
Oranges contain a compound called D – limonene that has been shown to play an important role in preventing various types of cancer like lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, etc. Additionally, the antioxidants and Vitamin C help promote the body’s immunity which helps in fighting cancer cells. Oranges are highly fibrous fruits, which contributes to its cancer-protecting effect. A study revealed that about 10 to 15 per cent of colon cancer cases are caused by mutations in the DNA. These mutations can prevented by consuming vitamin C rich sources like oranges. Here are some other health benefits of vitamin C you should know
#7 Prevents constipation
Oranges are a very good source of soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps keep your stomach and intestines healthy by preventing problems like irritable bowel syndrome. The fibre content in them adds bulk to the digested food and reduces transit time of feces, preventing constipation and straining.
#8 Improves sperm quality
Death is inevitable, but our legacy may live on through our offspring. The antioxidants and Vitamin C present in most fruits, including oranges improves the quality and motility of your sperm thus keeping you fertile. Another vitamin called folic acid also is an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy sperms that you can obtain from oranges. It also protects the sperm from genetic damage, which might lead to birth defects.
#9 Great for diabetics
The rich fibre content of oranges has the ability to keep a track of sugar levels in the body, preventing diabetes. It is also a good option for those who are diabetic. Also worth mentioning is that good oranges have a sweet taste, and since diabetics aren’t allowed to eat sweets or other sugary foods, they can eat oranges to tingle their taste buds.
#10 Prevents hair loss
Orange has high Vitamin C content which is required for producing collagen which, in turn, is responsible for keeping the tissues in your hair together. Nobody likes bald patches on their head, and eating oranges can ensure that you do not have to part with your lovely hair as you grow older.
Healthy eating tip: When you cut an orange, make sure you do it in a way that the inner peel doesn’t come off since it is very nutritious and has higher amounts of hesperidin than the flesh itself.


dating tips to make dating work for you
A few dating tips work better for a few people, while others make relationships worse. And all of it depends on what makes you feel comfortable.
If you read a dating tip and feel like it could work for you, chances are, those ideas connected better with your personality and made you feel more confident about yourself.
If you’ve always felt like no dating suggestions ever work in your favor, here are 10 dating tips that explain why, and what you need to do to make dating work in your favor.

#1 Dating tips are a buffet.
Almost all the time, the tips you come across do work. But don’t expect everything to work for you. Choose what works for you but learn from the other tips too. The tips you come across are like the daily horoscope you read in the papers. It’s not written specifically for you, keeping your life in mind. But by relating the present circumstances in your own life to the horoscope you read, you can interpret the horoscope in a manner that makes most sense to you.
After all, how you see the problem will help you pick the solution to it in a manner that seems best to you.

#2 Are you really that good already? This is brutal to hear.
 But it’s truer than you think. Almost every single person you meet or see on the street think they’re hot stuff. But reality is another story. What if you’re one of those people who are too full of themselves and have an exaggerated sense of their own capabilities? Start slow and build your confidence instead of trying something the wrong way and giving up on dating entirely.

#3 You have expectations from your partner. 
But you don’t meet any of them yourself. You may want to date a celebrity or the hottest person in your office or college. And every time you try, you may end up failing or getting walked all over. Does that mean the dating advice you received from your friend was wrong?
You have to remember that, just like you, the person you like has expectations too. It’s extremely biased of you to want the best lover when you can’t offer the best qualities that they want in return.

#4 You’re prejudiced. 
Some men and women fit perfectly in this zone. They have strong opinions about everything in life. And they just can’t let go of those opinions.
Do you think men have to be in control of the relationship? Do you think women are the weaker sex? Or do you think it’s only the man’s responsibility to keep a woman happy or earn for the family? Sometimes, such pressures and prejudiced expectations can do more harm than good to a new relationship.

#5 Change is inevitable.
 But that doesn’t mean you can mold a person into your perfect definition of a partner. When two people start dating each other, both of them have to change for each other. But it doesn’t always happen.
At the same time, you can’t choose to stay the same and expect your partner to become a whole new person to fit your wants and requirements. If you don’t like someone for their behavior, don’t date them unless you can accept their personality.

#6 Great expectations. 
Changes don’t happen overnight. Relationships are matters of the heart, and they take a while to heal or get better. You may read a few dating tips and understand them. But that won’t make you a better person or help you experience a better romance. What’ll make you better is the initiative you take to genuinely follow the tips and learn from them.

#7 You don’t have what it takes. 
We change for the better all the time. Sometimes, a few great tips and advice on dating can help you change your life in a million ways. But it does take time and patience. If you’re still not able to attract the one you like, perhaps you’re still a work in progress and need time to be the best you can be.

#8 You’re not trying hard enough.

Reading dating tips and experiences is easy. Making a move and meeting someone interesting in real life is the hard part. You can read all the tips you want, but unless you do something about it and implement it in your life, it won’t do you any good.
Try and make the effort to go out there and meet people. Most of the times, we crib about how unfair life is. But in reality, you may not be trying hard enough. If you’re going to give up on something easily even without putting in the effort, can you really expect even the best of dating tips to help you?

#9 You accept failure without even trying.
 Have you ever tried a friend’s suggestion and secretly hoped your friend’s idea would fail just to prove your friend wrong? Our minds are hardwired to certain beliefs and we don’t ever want to prove those beliefs wrong. Really, isn’t it easier to use a tip halfheartedly just to fail so you can convince yourself just how evil and unfair the world is to you?

#10 You’re not learning from your mistakes.
 Every failure is an experience only if you learn something from it. You could meet a lot of potential dates, but unless you correct your flaws, how can you expect to make dating work for you?
I’m going to be harsh to get this point across here. If you learn to flirt better than anyone you know, and yet every date you like rejects you and says you’re a bad dresser, is it justifiable to complain that flirting doesn’t work and is a waste of time? Do you need to work on flirting better or do you need tips to dress better and look more appealing?
Dating is easy. But to actually make it work for you, you need to use these tips to become a better dater, and learn from your mistakes. And as long as you understand these tips and better yourself, you’ll definitely get better in the dating game

Sunday, 5 February 2017


I woke up yesterday morning not feeling too well, but i never bordered to check or look at what was wrong. Later in the day, the same feeling came again. Then the guilt sets in, leaving me ended wonder what went wrong. Then the day ended. waking up this morning i realised what went wrong yesterday, i had failed to say a word of prayer and give thanks in the morning.

So if you are like me, please stop reading now and just tell that person that keeps you alive a VERY BIG THANK YOU.
Cos many died just as you are reading this, many on there sick bed right now,wishing they could just say a word. So please be thankful
Good morning👏

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