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Tuesday 14 February 2017


In case you haven’t been picking up on the subtle hints your girlfriend has been emailing you, # tagging you on twitter, messaging you on facebook or sweetly whispering into your ear, here’s the message loud and clear: Valentine’s Day is today.
What day exactly is V-day? Right, smack dab in the middle of an already short month, on February 14th.
Don’t worry just yet though, as you start to brainstorm some romantic (and fun and sexy and…) Valentine’s Day ideas that’ll impress your girlfriend, let us be your guide on figuring out what to say with what gift and what gesture. Though there are plenty of things to do on Valentine’s Day, you want to make sure what you buy or whatever activity you plan sets the tone for the next trip around the sun before V-Day rolls around again. Even if you don’t take the Hallmark holiday too seriously, it’s in your best interest to put in the extra effort, pull out the extra shots and truly make her feel special on the year’s sweetest day.
Are you sweating bullets yet?
Take a deep breath -- there are plenty of options of what to do for Valentine’s Day that’ll make her grin ear-to-ear and show her just how much you care about her and your relationship.
But what you do depends on how long you’ve been seeing one another and what level of romance you want to bring to Cupid’s day. So if you’re out of Valentine's Day gift ideas -- or can’t even think of one! -- we have you covered. From simple, classic red roses sent to her office to personalized gifts that honor the longevity of your couplehood given over a dinner at home, these Valentine’s Day date ideas are sure to do the trick -- and maybe even a little more.

Here’s what to do this Valentine’s Day to ensure it’s not only awesome, but will likely, make you lucky, too.

1.  You've Forgotten And It's Last-Minute
Take a breath - before you freak out that you’re put yourself into the dog house, remember that there are even last-minute romantic things and
last-minute Valentine's Day gifts you can do to make her smile. Some ideas? Buy rose petals at the florist and make a scavenger hunt for her around the apartment, all with reasons she’s wonderful, hot, sexy, smart, etc. Or personally deliver flowers to her office and treat her to lunch on Valentine’s Day. The biggest thing to remember about this holiday is to just make it special for her - and for your love.

2. You're Not Really Into valentine Day!
Some women don’t particularly care for February 14, instead, they’d rather you show how much you love them every day, not just in the middle of February. If your lady has casually mentioned that she doesn’t need to celebrate V-Day, take her word for it, but suggest you still do something fun since it’s a long weekend. Try something neither of you have ever done before - like rock climbing, seeing a new band, going for an impromptu road trip to the next state over. Whatever it might be, you don’t have to use Valentine’s Day as an excuse to do something exciting.

3. You're Recently Single
Most men - 78 percent to be exact - don’t mind if they don’t have a date on Valentine’s Day. But if you’re just out of a relationship, you might be missing the company - and okay, the consistent sex - of being with someone you care about. Round up your single guy friends and hit the slopes - it’s a long weekend, and getting away from the hearts and flowers along the streets will take your mind off of the romance. Plus, physical activity - followed by whiskey - will do you some good. And hey, it's a good time to show your best bud you care with some Valentine gifts for him.

Regardless of how long you’ve been together, sometimes, things just aren’t easy in a relationship. Even when you love the other person dearly, you won’t always see eye-to-eye on everything. If you’re going through a tough time with your girl, take the time to write a long, kind and open letter to her. Suggest that you go to one of your favorite restaurants, followed by a nice wine bar and give her what you wrote. It may help to break away some of the things keeping you apart, and more importantly, open up the dialogue to get your relationship or marriage back on track.

Weddings are expensive - and if you just got married last year, you’re likely still working on getting your savings back to where they were pre-nuptials. The weekend of Valentine’s Day, while she’s out running errands, bring out those wedding photos, pick up a cake similar to the one you had at your reception, buy the same flowers that were in her bouquet and grab a nice bottle of champagne, and write a loving card about your first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. She will love the sweet attention to detail, and might even get some of that honeymoon sex going, too. There are also a number of cheap Valentine's Day gifts for her options to choose from if you're feeling a little uninspired bouquet-wise.

You love your girl, but maybe you’re craving something different - and you feel like she is, too. Hey - it’s okay for your sex life to become a little less wild the longer you date, but to add some variety into it, suggest that for Valentine’s Day, you cook dinner at home and that you will make the evening all about her: a bubble bath for two, a hot oil massage, fuzzy bathrobe, an old movie and then, take your time going down on her. By initiating oral sex and making sure she is warmed up and ready to go, you’ll make the sex hotter.

Even in the happiest, healthiest of relationships, outside stresses - like job frustration - can put a damper on things. When it comes to celebrating, your girl might want to do something low-key, as opposed to something that’ll require even more work than what she’s balancing in the office. Though 57 percent of men think the dudes are supposed to plan V-Day , 68 percent of women say the couple should come up with something together. Be proactive and give your girl three options, like, ‘Pizza, wine and a massage’ ‘Reservations at that place you’ve been wanting to go’ or ‘ Netflix and takeout, plus a gift from me’ - and see what she wants. She’ll appreciate you thought ahead, but that you’re not surprising her with something over the top. Remember, it's not about racking up the most on your credit card — a cheap Valentine's Day gift can be good! — it's about showing her you remembered and care

8. You've Been Dating Over A Year
You’ve reached the point where some of the spark and the honeymoon stage has passed, and you’re learning to settle into one another. It’s at this point where you want to take a big step and see how you fair it together. Since Valentine’s Day is a long weekend this year (thanks, President’s Day!) - book a getaway, just for the two of you. Look for last-minute flight deals or pick something secluded and sweet a few hours from your home city. Getting out of your normal routine will bring some of that gotta-have-you kind of sex you miss.

9. You've Just Said "I Love You' Recently
If you’re at the point where you’re finishing phone calls with those three words, Valentine’s Day is likely one of the first romantic holidays that you and your girl will share together. In this case, sending flowers to her office will really flatter her. According to , the majority of flower orders are placed on February 11 - so beat the rush and order some now. When she receives them, not only will her co-workers ohh-and-ahh, making her feel special and loved, but we bet she’ll surprise you with something sexy in return.

10. You've Just Started Dating
So you like the girl, she likes you, you haven’t made it official, but you could see it heading that way. A good way to turn up the heat and move the could-be relationship forward is by inviting her to dinner. Though you might be one of the 62 percent of men who think it’s just a Hallmark holiday, 55 percent of women disagree. Invite her to go to dinner and grab
Valentine's Day cocktails, and if it goes well, suggest a night-cap at home. (And ahem, make sure you have some wine and roses waiting!) Or get her something from an array of unique Valentine's Day gifts.


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