A real man isn’t just a smooth talker or a guy who tries to fit in.
He’s someone who’s always looked up to with awe and respect.
And yes, he definitely knows his way around women too.
There are far too many guys out there who just exist or constantly worry about ways to be admired and loved.
But for a few real men, getting attention and the respect they deserve comes naturally.
Ever met a guy who makes you feel like less of a man?
You don’t need to behave like an alpha male or someone dominating to be a true man in the real sense.
You just need to become a better you and a man in all its masculine definition.
How to be a man
A real man isn’t skin deep. Real men are created on the inside, and only accessorized on the outside.
If you truly want to be a real man who’s respected as a fine gentleman, here are 15 traits of a true man that you need to blend into your own persona.
It’s not something that can be changed in a day, but all you need is a start to go the right way to becoming a man who’s everything he really should be.
#1 Have your principles. This is about who you are. Do you have principles in life? Have you created a few rules and code of ethics that you believe in? A man of principles is a guy who clearly defines his belief into right and wrong and sticks to it.
Could you ever con someone for money? Would you ever have sex with a girl if she was too drunk to notice? You get the idea, right? A man of principles is a guy who has a firm code of conduct. It’s not set in stone as life is ever changing, but he’s well connected to his conscience to differentiate right and wrong.
#2 The same rules apply to him. Most people in the world don’t even realize this rule. A real man follows the universal rule that he applies to others and to himself. If he expects someone to apologize because they were late, he should do the same when he’s late too. If he wants his woman to avoid looking at other men, he should avoid looking at other women too. A real man is not biased, nor does he set different rules for himself and others.
#3 His word is his word. When a man makes a promise, he stands by it no matter what. Most people may not understand this logic, but unless there’s no way he can keep his word, he does everything he can to hold on to the promise he’s made.
#4 A real man is chivalrous. A real man knows how to behave with a woman. He treats his wife or girlfriend with love and affection, and always behaves chivalrously towards her. He’s her pillar and caters to her needs and wants.
#5 Respect and humility. A real man is humble and gracious. But yet, he carries an aura of authority that’s confident and decisive. He always respects everyone around him unless their behavior calls for rude reciprocation. He is courteous towards women of all ages and will never ill treat them or make them feel insulted.
#6 A real man has dreams. Pursue your dreams and aspirations with passion and hard work. A real man is dedicated to his dreams, but at the same time he doesn’t neglect the promises he’s made to the one he loves. No matter how occupied he is, he still makes time for the ones that he loves.
#7 Sophisticated and well dressed. A real man isn’t addicted to cosmetics, but he knows to clean and groom himself. He’s well dressed and pays attention to his attire. And if you want to be a real man, dab those manly fragrances that make you feel and appear more masculine.
#8 He’s aware of his world. A real man is not ignorant. He’s aware of everything around him and he keeps track of current affairs that matter to him. He’s intelligent, a man of the world and one who can be trusted to give good advice when he’s asked for it.
#9 The man is well mannered. You can be cold hearted when you have to, but be generous and giving when you see someone who’s genuinely needy. If you don’t owe anything to anyone, you’re not obligated to help someone for no reason. A real man helps those in need, but not when they can help themselves.
#10 Be determined. A real man is determined. He’s passionate and loyal to his dreams and aspirations. He doesn’t pussyfoot around problems or hurdles. He plans his moves and executes his ideas with confidence and determination.
#11 He walks tall. A real man doesn’t hunch or lurk around like a thief. He makes his presence felt and walks with grace and confidence. He respects himself and feels no need to appear meek or weak in front of another person.
#12 A real man is not sneaky. Don’t be vague or sneaky in your communication or your behavior. A real man calls a spade a spade and is always straightforward and truthful, unless he sees a need to hide the truth. He doesn’t shift his feet in discomfort or make stories up to cover his incompetence.
#13 He’s in control. Be in control of your own life. Stay calm and composed even when things are slipping out of your hands. A real man knows that panic and stress will only make him less efficient. He plans, makes decisions and focuses on the consequences of his actions in a calm and composed state of mind.
#14 A real man knows his priorities. Do you know what matters most to you? And do you know what really should matter most? Most men are confused about the real priorities in their life. Family and loved ones come before self indulgence in worldly pleasures.
#15 A real man accepts his faults. Be willing to accept your faults, and don’t repeat them again. A real man doesn’t put the blame on someone else if it’s his own fault. He acknowledges his mistakes and vows not to repeat them again. He understands that accepting faults or defeats don’t make him weaker. It only makes him more resolute and determined.
How to look like a man and behave like a real man
Want to feel more like a real man overnight? Try these five tips to appear more like a real man and intimidate others around you at the same time.
#1 Don’t giggle. You have nothing to feel awkward about. If you think it’s funny, it probably is, so laugh out loud. If it’s not too funny, just smirk or smile from one corner of your lip.
#2 Grow a mustache. If that doesn’t prove you’re a man, what does?
#3 Have whiskey or scotch on the rocks. It’s a man’s drink, especially if you like your drink neat or with just a couple of ice cubes.
#4 Have an intense eye contact. Real men aren’t afraid of eye contact. A strong eye contact makes you seem more manly and in control.
#5 Don’t indulge in idle talk that befits the conversation of children. Silence in the conversation is perfectly acceptable for a man.
Being a real man isn’t as easy as most men think. If you want to be one, keep these 15 principles on how to be a man in mind and live by these rules. Before long, you’ll be respected and loved for the real man that you are.
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